Remote Working and Mental Health

Source: Remote Working Impact On Mental Health  | HRAPP

Remote working has become increasingly popular since the coronavirus pandemic. The number of people working from home has gone up within the last five years, with now over 5% of the total workforce working remotely.

The Advantages and Limitations to Remote Working

How to Work Remotely and Promote Positive Well-being

Taking breaks can help prevent remote working burnout. Remembering to take a break here and there while working remotely can significantly improve mental wellness, decrease the chance of burnout, and increase productivity. And so, you have higher odds of staying motivated and productive by allowing yourself to take breaks throughout the workday.

Source: Make Time to Take a Break | Increase Work Productivity | Canteen

Remote working does not have to mean more extensive and intensive work effort from you. With work being continuously accessible from home, many people feel the need to work constantly. To prevent this negative impact remote working can have on wellbeing, try to focus on the tasks you did accomplish each week and celebrate your wins; whilst focusing less on the tasks you did not accomplish or the tasks that still need to be completed.

Source: My Random Thoughts: Personal Achievement Series (

Make sure your workspace at home is suitable for remote working and make it a space in which you will feel comfortable and productive. This can include setting up your workspace near a window, investing in a comfortable seat or a standing up desk, having a plant nearby, or organising your workspace with any items that will enhance your overall experience with working remotely.

Source: Organised desk, organised mind: Maximising space in my home office | Growing Spaces

This blog post was created with ❤️ by Moreh Jackson (Clinical Psychology)

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